Hello to our dear fans!

September and October have been very fruitful months for Anet’s Collection. We were part of four life changing fundraising events.

  1. One of the organizations that we joined was AMAA (Armenian Missionary Association of America). Anet’s Collections ‘Armenian Alphabet' silk scarves were sold in The AMAA 25thAnnual Fundraising event at the Wellesley Country Club on October 1st in Boston Orphan/Child Care Sponsorship Program that reaches out to over 2800 destitute and Marginalized orphans and children of Armenia and Karabagh. Amaa.org

 Anet’s Collections ‘ Armenian Alphabet” silk scarves were sold in The AMAA 25th Annual Fundraising event at the Wellesley Country Club.

We are humbled and pleased to make a little difference in the lives of orphans in Armenia once again after our very successful partnership with SOAR America.


  1. The second event that we were part of was AIWA (Armenian International Women’s Association) 25thAnniversary Conference and Gala which took place on September 28th – October 2nd at the Charles Hotel. aiwainternational.org
Supporting women and causes that effect women’s life is a passion for me.  So, AIWA has a great place in my heart since its mission is about promoting and enriching the social, economic and personal advancement of Armenian women worldwide through educational and other community activities.
Anet’s Collection 'Armenian Alphabet' silk scarves were sold in the two days of conference that brought over 300-participants from around the world to connect and engage with each other. To my surprise AIWA gifted the conference speakers, of 35 most-talented women.  The panel of speakers brought their experience and knowledge—sharing and exchanging, learning and teaching, strengthening and empowering.
I had the honor to meet and talk with more than a handful of amazing women such as:
  • Katherine Sarafian (Oscar Winner for Film Brave, Producer and VP, Pixar Animation)
  • Sona Movsesian (Conan O’Brien’s Assistant and producer)
  • Nora Armani (Founding Artistic Director of Socially Relevant Film Festival, NY and Actress)
  • Teni Melidonian (Managing Director and Publicity of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Oscars)
  • Carolyn Mugar (Founder of Armenia Tree Project)
  • Selina Dogan (First female Armenian Member of the Turkish Parliament)
  • Linda Hill (Author and teacher at Harvard Business school)
  • And many more…
 To top it all, I had the honor of designing a special silk scarf 'Lady of Tiflis' which was gifted to special guests that included Founders of AIWA: Barbara Meguerian, Olga Proudian and Eva Medzorian and Carolyn Rafaelian of Alex and Ani to name a few…


Anet with Katherine Sarafian of Pixar Studios

With Katherine Sarafian

with Sona Movesessian of Conan O'Brian's show

With Sona Movsesian

with Nora Armani

With Nora Armani

 Teni Melidonian

With Teni Melidonian

With Selina Dogan

With Selina Dogan

Scarlet Arakelian

Dr. Arakelian. My sister and greatest supporter.


  3. Our third event that took place at the same weekend was Homenetmen Glendale Ararat Chapter ‘Under The Star’. Every couple was gifted with a box of Anet’s Collection unique pearl finish Notecards as a token of appreciation for donating and raising funds for Homenetmen.


 4. Our last event of the month was ACAWA (Armenian Cultural Association of Seattle Washington).

Anet’s Collection scarves were sold and two of our scarves ‘Hyeganoosh’ and 'Armenian Alphabet‘ were raffled. We were part of helping the organization raise money.



We had a very successful and busy September and October.

 Please stay tuned since we have a lot of new events and Holiday boutiques coming up in the month of November and December beside our new additions to our collection of scarves…

'Lady of Tiflis' our ‘Nazeli” for letter N, ‘Twilight’ and our first unisex Eternity scarf.


We will be posting the dates of our upcoming boutiques soon with some exciting news and addition of retail stores carrying Anet’s Collection.



Cheers to everyone!


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